Guevara is a photographer and documentary filmmaker based in Berlin, started her career in Damascus 2005. In her last works there are some main themes including identity and exile.
Recently Namer curratd “LOOK AT ME” exhibition where she invited 10 Syrian photographers to reflect on their personality as “Syrian photographers” which is connected to a main theme she is working on through her procet “Dialogue with Absence”. Guevara’s own artwork was exhibited in Berlin under the title “Existing Elsewhere” as part of European Month of Photography 2020 . Guevara was selected for an art residency in TapĂs De La Fundacio, Barcelona 2017 as part of photographer Susan Meiselas exhibition AKA Kurdistan, also she was selected by Magnum foundation for Photography and Social Justice Fellows 2018. Currently working on her participation at Hamburg Photography triennal May-Sep 2022.