Waiting you for dinner

50 5.000 

By: Abdul razzak shaballot

Oil on canvas

70 x 100 cm


Tables occupy a special place in Abdul razzak shaballout (1974-now) hyper realistic world, a table is not a functional piece of furniture , it’s a stage were multitudes are set to be presented,  its an open invitation to gaze or to join. art history tables are metaphors for  the passing of time “dead nature/ living nature” , a place where games are played “above the table/ under the table”, a place of gathering, and most important a place of waiting, a table without people around it, is a sphere of hop nourished by those who might arrive.


A table holds a constellation that reflects economic and social status of those who might be around it.  If each element  In “waiting for dinner” reflects the amount of “energy” one will gain after the meal ( the open sardine  can could a statement of generosity  where one offers all he have) , the collection of “All elements ” is a representation of a mode of hospitality, an invitation to share  What we/I have ! , But,  There are two tea glasses, we don’t know who is waiting, and why he/she is  waiting, still, do one really needs a reason to wait ?


Shaballout in this painting presents his ability to “capture” textures of what will be consumed and mixed eventually, we see canned meat, fresh onion, shining-fresh tomato, a reflecting water and grains of salt, as if the “eye” can taste , which calls for  definition that could be described as the core of  the aesthetic experience : to taste means to know with out being able to explain.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Type of artwork

Original, Print, Signed Print