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Digital Painting

By: Jafar Safatli

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Jafar Safatli’s “I/ ego” is present in different ways through out his work, In Disorientation the “I” is split, between real-semi- Zen -state and another dark, plague protected spirit, this ambivalent representation could be a reflection on Safatli own uncertainty, a state one could discover clearly in the Arabic calligraph that says, “Neither there nor here”.

The  semi ego-split is deepened once we consider the place , we see two monuments in the illustration “The Brandenburg Gate” at  Berlin  in Germany and “The Roman Theatre” at Bosra in Syria,  considering these two historical monuments the state of non-determination exceeds one’s self, as if history itself is asking:  which Terre do the “I” belong to ? which one holds in it the tranquility of being?

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Dimensions N/A
Type of artwork

Print, Signed Print