Personal status Law

50 400 

By: Dima Nachawi

Original size: A4
Mixed media on paper

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As if we are stepping into a land of dreams, a childlike space where figures are free from gravity, logic and laws -those of nature and man-. this sphere of freedom and liberation is recurrent  in Dima Nachawi (1980-now) work. She employs a cartoonish approach to social and political issues addressing women rights as substantial part of any future or change.

Nachawi Faux-naïve approach deals with harmful and serious subjects, in “personal statues law” she  references woman’s oppression by national laws . we see a figure of dreaming woman, who’s hair and hands are sewing/ pulling together  the rupture of love, life, religion and gender.

Yet; there is something brutal floating in Nachawi dreamy representation of a woman’s body; if time passed by in the painting, “the woman” might lose her corporal unity, her flesh could be sacrificial. As if the slit in the fabric of life is sewed by woman’s flesh that will be lost, paving the way for a better world, if we dared to dream of such a thing.

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Dimensions N/A
Type of artwork

Original, Print, Signed Print