There is a fable in Safatli’s illustration “Discombobulation”,  we see beings from other worlds present in a metro wagon, a sphere where  strangers  meet in silence then go in different ways,  yet some passengers could be present, those who doesn’t obey the laws of logic, but follow the multitudes of dromologie.
We don’t know the speed in which the wagon is moving in, but as Safatli suggest, there is a certain velocity that invites “others” to be present with us, to accompany us in our journey towards a station, a new world or a different level of “being”.
One should also not that Safatli accompanied this illustration with a fable, a letter entitled (to the hermit from a boy named crow), this letter gives the illustration another dimension, reminding us of the ornaments that accompanied the Classics i.e: the illustrations of La Fontaine fables, Â of Kalila and Demna , and many others.